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Car repair estimates by email Toronto

Save yourself a trip! Just email us your photos

& Vehicle Info (Year, Make, Model & 17 Digit VIN) to:

and we'll email you a free repair estimate - usually within a few hours! 

Collision  Repairs

We provide the full range of collision repairs on domestic, foreign and unibody vehicles, including collision related mechanical repairs.


And, we guarantee the repairs we make  to your vehicle, against any defects of workmanship for as long as you own your vehicle.

Paintless Dent & Scratch Removal

Some minor damage can be repaired without repainting.  Small dents and dings, hail damage, and plastic bumper damage are good candidates.  Come and see us and we'll let you know.

Fleet Management
Automotive Resources International

We are a designated vendor for  the Automotive Resources International (ARI) program.


We have also been the contractor of choice for small and large private and commercial fleets.


New inquiries welcome!

Towing from Collision Reporting Centre

We can arrange to have your vehicle towed from the Collision Reporting Centre to our shop.   Just give as a call and we'll take care of everything!


Insurance Claims

We are an accredited repair facility under the Collision Repair Standards Act and are authorized to work with all  insurance companies. We know being without your car is a major disruption in your life and will work with your insurance provider to  make the claim process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Glass Repair & Replacement

You may be able to avoid full glass replacement if you have a chip under the size of a cell phone (depending on it's location).  And, depending on your insurance coverage, the cost to repair or replace damaged glass may be covered.

Lease Turnover

SAVE MONEY - Avoid dealer rates!  If you've got a lease turnover coming up, let us examine your vehicle before you're scheduled to return it. 


We know what will and won't pass inspection and will provide you with a free estimate, no obligation.

Free Estimates

Drop by our shop, no appointment is necessary, and we'll be happy to prepare a written estimate for you.


Or, use our new estimate by email service:  email us photos of the damage

& Vehicle Info (Year, Make, Model & 17 Digit VIN) to:

and we'll email you an estimate - usually within a few hours.



Auto repair estimates Toronto

We use environmentally friendly waterborne paints and a waste recycling process.

|416-769-5341| 490 Quebec Ave, Toronto ON  |  FREE ONLINE ESTIMATES
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